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Communion with Christ


The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. It binds us as a community, but more importantly it unites us with Christ who promised to remain with us until the end of the age. The Eucharist is proof of Christ’s abiding presence among His people: The Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Our Lord. It is not a mere symbol. Due to the miracle of Transubstantiation the bread ceases to be bread and becomes the Body of Our Saviour at the moment the priest says the words of consecration. Whether we believe it or not the Eucharist IS  the Body of Christ. Our faith is important; how many graces we can draw from this great sacrament depend on our faith and the reverence we show to the Eucharist. To learn more please click here.



For those of you who are Catholic, practicing, and prepared to do so you may come forward to receive Holy Communion. For those of you who are not Catholic, not practicing, or not prepared to receive Communion, you may receive a blessing. To receive a blessing please cross one or both arms over your chest when you approach the priest at the Communion Rail.

To prepare yourself to receive the Eucharist, you must first enroll in the Roman Catholic Initiation for Adults usually referred to as RCIA. The RCIA is a journey of formation and instruction aimed at nurturing and developing one’s friendship with God, understanding Catholic teachings and practices and get involved in service in the parish and the wider community. To learn more of the meaning of Holy Communion you can read this short article.

Click here for Mass times.



At Holy Rosary Cathedral, RCIA gatherings are held from September to May on Tuesdays 7 PM – 9 PM in Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street. Please contact the office for information to register for the next session.



If you have a school-going child whom you would like baptized and prepared for Eucharist and Confirmation, please, more information is available at the website of the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

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