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1st Sunday of Lent: Fr. Stanley Galvon’s Message

With the first Sunday of Lent, we have a special step in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
This is the way that our church family receives new adult members. There are two types of people in RCIA:
those who seek to be baptized at Easter or those who have already been baptized with another Christian group and now want to make the home for their faith in the Catholic church. Both types of people are invited to the Enrollment of their Names at a special Mass. This means that the Church recognizes their readiness for the sacraments of initiation. On their part they express their will to receive these sacraments.What follows in the coming weeks is a time of purification and enlightenment. This preparation includes prayers called scrutinies at Sunday Mass which ask for God’s special help for them to turn from sin. Please keep the dear people in the RCIA program in your prayers. Their journey of faith reminds us of God’s call to each Catholic for ongoing conversion of mind and heart.


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