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Sign-up for Sunday Mass

Please read carefully the following instructions to sign-up for Sunday Mass.

The link will be available on Tuesday some time between 10 am – 1 pm. Please do not call the office about this.


1) The directives of the BC Health Authorities allow the Cathedral to offer the public celebration of Mass for 10% of fire capacity (75 people) including people at the altar and the choir loft.  Proper social distancing and cleansing are required.

2) Because of limited resources for security and cleansing, there are four Sunday Masses available for public celebration:  8 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM (Latin) and 6:30 PM (Spanish).  The 8 PM Sunday Mass will be live-streamed and people may attend, but entrance to this Mass is on a first-come first-serve basis.

3) BC Health Authorities also require that an accurate record of names and contact information be kept of each member of the faithful attending public Masses. To facilitate this, attendance at Sunday public Masses requires you to sign up on the Cathedral Website.

4) Entry to the Cathedral for Sunday Mass is through the front door by the gift shop. No access is available through the door by the lane. Doors for Mass open 30 minutes before Mass starts and close 10 minutes before Mass begins.

5) No public washrooms are available. If you cannot come to Mass without the use of the restroom please do not come to Mass at this time.

6) If you signed up, and did not show up you may not be able to register for the next weekend Mass.

7) After Mass please do not congregate.

Please click here to signup for Mass and to check if there are slots available for the Mass time you wish to attend, then fill in your name and contact information. You will receive an email confirming your Mass attendance.

Please do not email the office about signing up. Those emails will not be answered.

If you cannot sign up, it means Mass is full. Please follow the live-stream and try to sign up next week.

Mass sign-up closes on Thursday at 3 PM for the upcoming Sunday Mass.

Please check back each Tuesday between 10 AM – 1 PM to sign-up for the upcoming Sunday Mass.


Despite these measures, please understand that anyone attending Mass does so at their own risk.

The following must stay home for the sake of the wider community:

1. People with COVID-19 or who live with someone with COVID-19.

2. People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

3. Those who have recently travelled outside of Canada.

The following are encouraged to stay home for the sake of the wider community:

1. The sick, including those with even the slightest symptoms of the cold or flu.

2. People who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.

3. People, especially the elderly, with underlying or compromised health conditions.

4. Family members who live with elderly people or those who are at risk.

Please understand that these measures need to be taken very seriously by all, in order for us to be able to gather safely to celebrate the Eucharist.


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