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World Communications Day 2019

This is the theme chosen by the Holy Father Pope Francis for the 53rd World Communications Day, to be held in 2019:

«We are members one of another» (Eph 4,25). From network community to human communities.

The theme underlines the importance of giving back to communication a broad perspective, based on the person, and emphasizes the value of interaction always understood as dialogue and as an opportunity to meet with others.

This calls for a reflection on the current state and nature of relationships on the Internet, starting from the idea of community as a network between people in their wholeness. Some of the prevailing trends of the so-called social networks ask us a fundamental question: to what extent can we speak of a real community in the face of the logic that characterizes some communities on social media? The metaphor of the web as a community of solidarity implies the construction of an “us”, based on listening to the other, on dialogue and consequently on the responsible use of language.

The choice of the theme for the 2019 Message confirms Pope Francis’ attention to the new communications environment and for social  networks, especially, where he is present in the first person with his @Pontifex account on Twitter and @Franciscus on Instagram. The Cathedral also has Facebook and Instagram to help you stay in touch with us.

The Archdiocese of Vancouver is blessed with its own weekly Catholic newspaper, the BC Catholic. With this newspaper we are given helpful updates on world, national and local events from a Catholic point of view as well as faith – building articles to ponder.

At the Cathedral we sponsor almost 1100 subscriptions (including 505 email subscriptions) to the BC Catholic for our registered parishioners.  This costs us over $400 every 3 weeks (or over $20,000 per year)

There is a second collection this sunday to help defray that cost to our Cathedral parish. Please give generously to this collection and support the good work of the BC Catholic with your prayers.  Please call the cathedral office if you would like to receive the BC Catholic.

– Fr. Galvon


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