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Easter Greetings! Alleluia!

Our Lenten journey of 40 days and through Holy Week and into the Easter season is a new beginning for us.  The mystery of the dying and rising of Jesus  Christ is at work in our lives but sometimes hidden in the depths of our complex relationships and activities.

We are like the two disciples on their journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus after the reports of the Resurrection of Jesus (see Luke 24.13 -35).  They were confused and tired.  Until Jesus returns with the absolute fullness of His glory, we might have some difficulties with our faith in Jesus. Sometimes we wonder where God is or why things are still so difficult.
Like those disciples we must return again and again to the Eucharist in which we recognize in a deeper way Jesus in the breaking of the bread. We also come to recognize how much we need the faith community for our journey of faith. We are on the way to our destiny of sharing fully the life and love of Jesus.   We are not alone and we can help each other with prayers, encouragement and good example with God’s help.
Thank you to everyone who has helped with the Holy Week and Easter liturgies at Holy Rosary Cathedral.  May God continue to bless us as we continue our faith journey with the Risen Lord.


Fr. Stanley Galvon,

Rector of the Cathedral


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