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Remembrance Day, 2017

Remembrance Day is celebrated in Canada on November 11th. The Canadian Bishops offer us three aspects to this special day to ponder and to act on:

First, we pause and pray to remember those who died in war and to pray for the victims of aggression and inhumanity around the world.

Second, Remembrance Day is a special day to pray for peace. We should consider what we are doing as individuals, as families, as faith communities and as a nation to bring God’s peace to the world. The peace Jesus promises comes from an inner conversion of the human heart rather than from an imposed external order (like the temporary forced order brought by the Roman emperors and modern equivalents such as dictators and tyrants) .

Third, we can make this a special time to rededicate ourselves by prayer and action to the ideals Jesus gave us in the Beatitudes. Ask God to show you what He wants you to do to promote peace and justice with others. It could be some special prayers, fasting or generous action of service.

– Fr. Stanley Galvon

Rector of the Cathedral


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